Have you ever considered a winter could be the perfect time for a photoshoot?

A winter photoshoot is a chance to spend some speical time with your horse and an excuse to pamper them (and yourself!). I think it is beocming one of my favourite time for photos for so many reasons:
On a frosty / snowly day, he light is beautiful almost all day and sunrise and sunset are so easy to catch!
The frozen backdrop lends a fairytale feel to all your images and your bond with your horse.
You can wear very relaxed knits and comfy clothes and still look beautiful!
Its such a great way to remind yourself how close your bond with your horse is at a time of year when horses can feel like more work than fun!
Obviously the weather can be a little unpredictable, especially at the minute, but I am keeping a list of people who are keen for a frost photoshoot in case we get more snow (it is possible even in March!). So please do get in touch to be added to the list!

I have so many more snow photos to share I think I'm going to have to create a new page on my website just for winter photos :)
Do let me know if you have any special winter photos in mind - I always love to try new things.